WP 5 | Bridging the gap between, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners – Design and implementation of activities and support
Leading Partner : ECDPM
Supporting Partners :
List of tasks
Task 5.1 Facilitate, Establish and Promote Stakeholder Engagement |
Task 5.2 Support to Country-level FNSSA Policy Design and Implementation: |
Task 5.3 Stakeholders feedback and revision of activities for refinement of activities in WP6 |
Activity 5.1.1 Develop a series of workshops tailored to the needs of different stakeholders (WP1) to facilitate evidence-based discussions between researchers and policy makers enabling knowledge exchange and collaboration among researchers, policy makers, and officials in regional economic communities through workshops.
Activity 5.1.2 Facilitate joint publications as outcomes of the workshops Activity 5.1.3 Complement personal engagement in this task with the CollabNet networking and collaboration platform developed in WP3 Activity 5.1.4 Identify processes, principles, and methods for developing a Science-Policy-Implementation Living Lab (SPI LL) to catalyze exchanges between African and European food systems researchers, policymakers, and practitioners and Co-create a methodological note and action plan for the SPI LL, harmonizing key aspects and ensuring sustainability. Activity 5.1.5 Convene a donor round table, a high-level meeting of donors and bilateral/multilateral organizations, to discuss key issues and challenges in translating food-related results to policies. Organize an open or closed-door policy dialogue and workshop to build cooperation (EU-Africa, Africa-UN RBAs) on economic analysis of agri-food systems and R&I and identify participants from the stakeholders mapping and engagement plan for the policy dialogue and workshop. Activity 5.1.6 Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing key discussions and outcomes from the policy dialogue and workshop sessions. Activity 5.2.1 Offer PANAP members independent, science-based advice for policy and program development under FNSSA, impact assessments, and policy implementation. Activity 5.2.2 Assist PANAP members in selecting, applying, and extending economic models, with focus on comprehensive quantitative methods. Activity 5.2.3 Concentrate on the analysis of synergies and trade-offs associated with different policies, addressing knowledge gaps and data needs. Activity 5.2.4 Collaborate with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) for enhanced support, selecting up to 4 PANAP members through a call for proposals, and providing support through workshops and virtual meetings. Activity 5.2.5 Convene a week-long virtual forum for PANAP members to exchange experiences, discover novel approaches, and facilitate participation in regional and global platforms, fostering broader sharing of PANAP experiences and insights Activity 5.3.1 Develop a strategy for evaluating activities in WP5 and create a toolkit outlining methodologies and tools for the evaluation process. Activity 5.3.2 Collect feedback from participants involved in the activities. Activity 5.3.3 Evaluate collected feedback to identify strengths and areas for improvement and Integrate feedback and evaluation results into WP6 to refine and target activities for sustainable collaboration among stakeholder groups.
Purpose of WP5
Task 5.1 – M12-M30
Task 5.2 – M12-M30
Task 5.3 – M12-M30
Objectives of WP5