WP 7 | PANAP Network Expansion
Leading Partner : FARA
Supporting Partners :
List of tasks
Task 7.1Coordination and PANAP Network Support |
Task 7.2 Strengthening Capacities of Network Members. |
D7.1 –
D7.2 –
D7.3 –
Activity 7.1.1 Develop the capacities of African institutions in collaboration with the JRC to effectively manage PANAP activities, ensuring a sense of ownership and minimizing transaction costs and Propose and implement strategies to reinforce the human and institutional capabilities of FARA, enabling it to act as the secretariat and coordination unit for the PANAP Network in Africa. Activity 7.1.2 Coordinate efforts to foster synergy and improve coherence among core PANAP members, including activities such as sharing knowledge, facilitating the movement of competencies, managing the network’s website, and overseeing multi-country syntheses and manage diverse PANAP Network activities, encompassing annual general meetings, membership expansion, enhancement of member capacities, formulation of membership guidelines, establishment of the network’s governance structure, and endorsement/adoption of draft terms of reference (TOR). Activity 7.1.3 Facilitate the mobilization of resources for PANAP Network initiatives., Commission comprehensive studies spanning the entire PANAP Network to gain a thorough understanding of critical issues Activity 7.1.4 Disseminate information about PANAP accomplishments and elevate the network’s visibility through initiatives like establishing an African PANAP Newsletter and other communication platforms. Activity 7.1.5 Work towards expanding the network’s membership, ensuring active participation of all consortium partners, particularly those from Africa and support the seamless integration of PANAP Network initiatives into existing AU programs, notably CAADP, NEPAD, and the AfCFTA Activity 7.2.1 Foster a sense of ownership among network members by actively promoting the co-creation and co-production of new knowledge Activity 7.2.2. Create and nurture an active community of practice, utilizing the mechanisms developed under WP4 of the CSA to facilitate collaborative knowledge exchange Activity 7.2.3 Utilize the established mechanisms developed under WP4 to facilitate the seamless sharing of knowledge among network members Activity 7.2.4 Implement the online platform (DataInforms) under WP4 to function as a central hub for sharing crucial information, calls for proposals, and funding opportunities.
Activity 7.2.5 Give precedence to PANAP members during calls for proposals and funding opportunities disseminated through the online platform, ensuring their active engagement in relevant initiatives
Purpose of WP7
Task 7.1 – M13-M40
Task 7.2 – M13-M40
Objectives of WP7