WP 3 | Development of information, innovation and knowledge collection and management systems.


Leading Partner : FARA
Supporting Partners

List of tasks

Task 3.1 PANAP – FNSSA Partnership MEL Frameworks
Task 3.2 Knowledge Management Framework
Task 3.3 Development of a Virtual Networking Platform to facilitate knowledge sharing & research-policy dialogue


D3.1 – 

D3.2 – 
D3.3 – 
D3.4 – 

Activity 3.1.1 Develop a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) framework to identify synergies between FNSSA Partnership R&I and PANAP member agri-food policies at national levels.
Activity 3.1.2 Create a secondary data collection system and corresponding tools to identify research supporting the implementation of agri-food policies          Activity 3.1.3 Collaborate closely with the FNSSA Implementation and Research Coordination (IRC) to ensure FNSSA Partnership research aligns with national agri-food policies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Activity 3.1.4 Develop indicator profiles to identify FNSSA Partnership R&I that complements the work of national policy makers and the EU-AU FNSSA Partnership.
Activity 3.1.5 Conduct participatory workshops with StEPPFoS implementing partners to build the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme’s (CAADP) narrative of outcomes and change-making processes.
Activity 3.1.6 Use outcome-oriented approaches to map outcomes, internal and external enabling environments, and identify individual, institutional, and systemic capacities required to meet PANAP’s objectives.                                                                                                                                                                                                        Activity 3.1.7 Develop a participatory MEL framework to create monitoring indicators documenting progress toward improved alignment between the FNSSA Partnership and PANAP.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Activity 3.1.8 Monitor and document opportunities for exchange in agri-food policy development.                                                                                                                    Activity 3.1.9   Track improvements in researcher-policymaker dialogues through the MEL framework.                                                                                                                Activity 3.2.1 Establish and maintain a knowledge management hub for PANAP, serving as a central platform for accessing policy decision-making tools and services for learning and sharing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Activity 3.2.2 Utilize and leverage existing databases and information resources to enhance the content and functionality of the knowledge management hub.            Activity 3.2.3 Create a database within the knowledge management hub containing information on countries’ policy priorities in the context of PANAP.                    Activity 3.2.4  Evaluate and upgrade the existing PANAP portal, supported by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), to ensure it provides optimal services and functionality.  Activity 3.2.5 Conduct training sessions to build the capacity of relevant stakeholders on how to effectively use online platforms and tools, with a focus on the PANAP knowledge management hub and upgraded portal.                                                                                                                                                                                                            Activity 3.3.1 Select a subgroup of stakeholders previously mapped in D1.2 to form the key end-users’ group.                                                                                                  Activity 3.3.2  Engage the key end-users’ group to identify general needs and functionalities that the CollabNet Platform should have to support exchanges                  Activity 3.3.3 Collaboratively develop and agree upon different functionalities of the CollabNet Platform with the key end-users’ group.                                                  Activity 3.3.4 Define functionalities such as user profiles, match-making features to connect stakeholders, a marketplace for sharing resources (best practices, key documents, and capacity-building materials from WP2), and a resources section with information on events and calls.                                                                                    Activity 3.3.5 Conduct a training session with the key end-users’ group to familiarize them with the added value and functionalities of the CollabNet Platform.   Activity 3.3.6 Develop CollabNet Tool guidelines in a co-creation process with the key end-users, ensuring their input and preferences are considered.

Purpose of WP3


Task 3.1 – M1-M12

Task 3.2 -M1-M24

Task 3.3 – M1-M24


Objectives of WP3