WP 4 | PANAP-FNSSA Partnership Data Collection and Knowledge Management

Leading Partner : FARA
Supporting Partners

List of tasks

Task 4.1 PANAP-FNSSA Partnership data collection, analysis & reporting
Task 4.2 PANAP – FNSSA Knowledge co-creation, dissemination and adoption


D4.1 – 


D4.3 – 
D4.4 – 

Activity 4.1.1 Data collection on FNSSA-PANAP research, innovation, policies, and policy analysis from FNSSA Partnership projects and regional and national agricultural development policies.
Activity 4.1.2 Utilize the LEAP4FNSSA systems for data collection on research that support gri-food policies, with focus on identifying research products, innovative partnerships that support policy making and implementation.                                                                                                                                                                                  Activity 4.1.3 Perform metadata analysis on pre-existing R&I and multi-sectoral partnership initiatives with more participatory investigations of scalable research and research-policy alignment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Activity 4.1.4 Ensure coherence with stakeholder-specific policy priorities through continuous data collection-system refinement.                                                              Activity 4.1.5 Provide case studies of strengthened research, innovation, and policymaking processes.                                                                                                            Activity 4.1.6 Publish best practice examples of research-policy interactions and guidance manuals for capacity building.                                                                              Activity 4.1.7 Develop an in-depth assessment of PANAP impact, building on LEAP4FNSSA methods.                                                                                                                Activity 4.1.8 Facilitate participatory workshops with PANAP stakeholders, reviewing outcomes and evaluating change-making processes.                                                  Activity 4.2.1 Strengthen capacities and networks by training focal persons in different countries using KM4AgD themes, fostering better coordination, learning, sharing, and scaling of innovations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Activity 4.2.2 Establish a directory of policy actors by registering experts/stakeholders, facilitating improved collaboration and communication among key players in the agricultural research for development (AR4D) sector.                                                                                                                                                                                              Activity 4.2.3 Strengthen the activities of existing KM4AgD Centers to enhance their effectiveness in knowledge management and dissemination within the agricultural sector.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Activity 4.2.4 Improve public awareness and knowledge inclusion of policies among AR4D stakeholders by packaging and disseminating project results through various channels, including the simplification of research into audio-visual products                                                                                                                                          Activity 4.2.5 Conduct knowledge talks featuring leaders and reports from policy analysis of countries to further engage stakeholders and disseminate valuable insights from research and development initiatives                                                                                                                                                                                                          Activity 4.2.6 Organize regional Knowledge for Development (K4D) Conferences, fostering collaborative learning and idea exchange, and establish a K4D Award Programme to recognize and incentivize impactful contributions in the field.

Purpose of WP4


Task 4.1 – M13-M48

Task 4.2 – M25-M48


Objectives of WP4